Advancing Restorative Justice in Schools – Part II

Throughout the field of Education—local and national—there is advocacy and growing support for schools to use restorative approaches to create a safe and inclusive school climate and culture, reduce exclusionary discipline practices, and to engage school communities in efforts to enhance their schools. The demand for professional development focused on restorative approaches in Vermont schools has expanded exponentially. Since October 2015, over 260 people have completed the six-hour Advancing Restorative Justice in Schools workshop

This one-day workshop is intended specifically for those who have completed the 6-hour part I session and are looking for a follow-up session to learn more.

Achievement Based Objectives

The workshop is designed to provide tools and build skills in participants so they can accomplish the following objectives during the six- hour workshop:

  • Shared key elements of RJ practice and lessons learned from the field
  • Applied a Continuum of Restorative Responses
  • Practiced using Affective Questions, Affective statements
  • Designed and Facilitated a circle to address specific needs
  • Practiced a Re-entry Conference
  • Explored resources to support sustainable implementation

You must have completed the Advancing Restorative Justice in Schools workshop within the past 18 months. It is a prerequisite for this workshop.

Workshop Facilitator

Jon Kidde has explored the concepts of restorative justice (RJ) for 20 years. Currently, he is an independent consultant focused on restorative justice and juvenile justice reform. Jon was the Director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY) during the initial implementation of RJ within Oakland Unified School District and co-authored Restorative Justice: A Working Guide for Our Schools with Rita Alfred.