Advancing Restorative Justice in Schools – Part I

Implementation of Restorative Justice (RJ) in schools has been linked to reduced discipline referrals, reductions in violent and serious incidents, decreases in punitive and exclusionary discipline responses, increased student attendance and improved academic outcomes, and enhanced social emotional learning.
This introductory one-day workshop is focused on Advancing Restorative Justice in middle and high schools in Vermont, and will be geared towards people who work in schools. No prior experience is needed. Those familiar with use of the restorative justice approach have ample opportunities to share their experience and grow. We will cap attendance at 38 people.
The workshop intends to assist participants with the integration of restorative justice principles and practices into the schools in which they work.

Achievement Based Objectives

Participants will be expected to actively grapple with the material and apply the major pieces of content in ways relevant to them. By the end of the 6hr. workshop participants will have:
• Identified personal values and compared them to restorative justice.
• Defined restorative justice in their own words and in a way that is relevant for staff and students.
• Practiced circle process as a way to build community.
• Examined a three-tiered framework for RJ in schools and assessed application in their school.
• Proposed action steps to integrate RJ in their school to enhance school climate.